Wednesday, 25 April 2012

Week 3 - Prison Broke and Orange Crush

I haven't really been too reliable in my updating, but that is not too surprising - at least not to me! I wish I could say that the last couple of weeks have been a whirlwind of activity, and that I've just been so busy that I couldn't spare a moment for blogging, but that would be a lie.

I've spent the last two weeks almost exclusively sitting on the couch in my living room watching Prison Break, which, frankly, is a bad name for a show that has two and half full seasons that have nothing to do with breaking out of prisons. It is entertaining enough; though, I have to say, the actor who plays the main character is about on par with Keanu Reeves when it comes to facial expressions and went to the Christian Bale school of intimidating voices - that is, he sounds like a man who's been chain smoking for the past 70 years. Also, for some reason, despite the fact that pretty much EVERYONE in the show is a criminal of some kind, they all seem to implicitly trust that when someone hands them a bag or an envelope that it will contain what they expect it to contain, and then they get upset when they finally bother to check hours later only to find out that it's a bag of broken up cement...

Anyways, enough about Prison Broken.

So, as for the program.

The workouts have been going pretty well. They sometimes feel a little futile because you definitely don't work up a sweat doing them, but, as I learnt the hard way, it isn't really advisable to do anything more intense for your abs within a couple weeks of childbirth. I tried to add in some leg raises, and I definitely regretted it afterwards!

Today I went for my first run in nine months. I was happy that my cardio wasn't as bad as I expected, but after running for a very short period of time I started to get major pains in my stomach - not really sure what that was about...

And now I'm rehydrating with orange crush...which gets to the next point...the dreaded, hateful point of healthy eating.

Obviously, I haven't completely cut out junk food (see orange crush reference above), but I am happy to say that I am eating considerably more healthily than before. I've definitely upped my salad intake - admittedly with the help of a maple dressing from Costco - and I've even lowered my pizza consumption.

Finally, the good stuff. Logan is adorable, and he spends a lot of time practicing different facial expressions. I was quite excited last week when he started giving kisses! He also has a very cute quizzical/disgusted face where he squints one eye, and raises one side of his mouth and one nostril.

Anyways, I still have four episodes of Prison Break left and I really want to see how they resolve the fact that everyone in North America should recognize the faces of the main characters and think that they are criminals, considering the number people they have killed, injured or been framed for murdering...


Tuesday, 10 April 2012

Day 4 on the alien planet...

So we were blessed with a beautiful baby boy on Friday! He's adorable and happy and has no great respect for the convention of sleeping at night and being awake during the day. So far his main activities don't really involve much by way of actual movement, but he still manages to make some pretty adorable facial expressions, and I can appreciate the fact that his relatively stationary existence at this point lends me freedom to do things other than chase him around - though I look forward to that stage when it comes!

Anyways, I could keep rambling about the baby, but, more to the point of the blog, I have my initial measurements and etc as of 8 Apr:

Weight: approx 196 lbs (I have a pretty cheap scale, but I think that is about right)
Chest: 43 in
Waist: 44 in
Hips: 44 in
Bum: 45 in
Upper leg: 26 in
Mid Calf: 16 1/2 in
Upper Arm: 12 in

And after 2 days on the diet I have rediscovered my complete and total lack of will power when it comes to food. So this should be interesting...

The workout for the first 6 weeks post-natal is pretty basic, but it felt good to just do some of the core exercises that I hadn't done in quite a while now! As for the cardio aspect, I was able to use "walking around Costco" as a legitimate workout...part of me finds that sad and another part finds it incredibly awesome...

Anyways, more to come when I am in a more productive mood!